
God's Justice: study materials on just relationships

God's Justice: study materials on just relationships

Just relationships between women and men, girls and boys are fundamental to human flourishing – the abundant life that God wills for all God’s children. However, in our churches and communities around the world we are falling short of this Gospel imperative.

The training, formation and equipping of church leaders and ministers in this area is essential as they prepare to show and tell the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Sacrament and Word and in the lives they live.

Developing a culture of care, compassion and inclusivity: Employment & Social Good

Developing a culture of care, compassion and inclusivity: Employment & Social Good

This compilation of employment stories are representative of examples of a departure from a purely profit motivated and driven business. They have all made a conscious effort made to be inclusive, and to focus on social good within the community, as well as running a successful business. As you read and explore, we hope you are inspired to support, participate, or even start something in your community.

Nov 19th - the World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse

Nov 19th - the World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse

In just a few days on November 19th, the World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse will be recognised.

The Anglican Church is called to be a strong and consistent advocate for preventing violence against all people but particularly women and children. It is crucial that we are sensitive to the needs of all vulnerable people; promote healthy relationships; and provide a safe and supportive environment for those affected by abuse.


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