Disability Ministry

Words That Work - for Aotearoa New Zealand church communicators

Words That Work - for Aotearoa New Zealand church communicators

This ‘Words That Work’ workshop is tailored for people of faith who work in news, communications or advocacy spaces who want to help achieve lasting change in community attitudes regarding the rights of people seeking asylum. The workshop will provide tools for how to speak positively and effectively, based on groundbreaking research commissioned by the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) in Australia.

Developing a culture of care, compassion and inclusivity: Employment & Social Good

Developing a culture of care, compassion and inclusivity: Employment & Social Good

This compilation of employment stories are representative of examples of a departure from a purely profit motivated and driven business. They have all made a conscious effort made to be inclusive, and to focus on social good within the community, as well as running a successful business. As you read and explore, we hope you are inspired to support, participate, or even start something in your community.


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