Human Trafficking in the Pacific Region

"Modern slavery and exploitation in Aotearoa New Zealand is real and recent." This is the compelling truth of the Human Trafficking that is in our midst. The tough question is “what can we do as a church?” At a recent seminar held at Vaughan Park, Archbishop Sir David Moxon called on churches here in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia to recognise and respond to the increased human trafficking in our region. Archbishop David encourages us to be more aware of who is in our communities, especially where immigrants and refugees reside and work. As an isolated and supposedly clean, green and pure country, we don’t usually associate the dark and sordid crime of human trafficking with Aotearoa. New Zealanders cannot ignore this exploitation of others so, how do we halt this horrendous act against vulnerable people and significantly make a difference?

There are at least three things to watch out for… Please read on to find out what is already being done and much more… Many thanks to ANZRATH, Talitha Kum, and, for the resources.


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