
Abuse in Care - Royal Commission Inquiry

Abuse in Care - Royal Commission Inquiry

The Anglican Church worked directly with the Royal Commission and actively encouraged all its partners to fully cooperate with the process. Ultimately, we hope to contribute to a process of accountability, closure, and healing that embraces the core Gospel message that ‘the truth shall set you free.’

For more information about the Royal Commission see the following links.

Human Trafficking in the Pacific Region

Human Trafficking in the Pacific Region

Archbishop Sir David Moxon joins fellow advocates, like Aotearoa New Zealand Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ANZRATH), to outline how we can help identify and put a stop to human trafficking in the Pacific. As an isolated and supposedly clean, green and pure country, we don’t usually associate the dark and sordid crime of human trafficking with Aotearoa. New Zealanders cannot ignore this exploitation of others so, how do we halt this horrendous act against vulnerable people and significantly make a difference?


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