
96 Days Later, Nonstop Church Service to Protect Refugees Finally Ends

96 Days Later, Nonstop Church Service to Protect Refugees Finally Ends

When confronted with a complex global problem, such as human migration and refugees, it is easy to wonder what action you can take that will make a difference. Bethel Church in the Hague have recently ended a vigil that turned the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Turangawaewae Art Project

Turangawaewae Art Project

The Turangawaewae Art Project is a collaboration bringing together over 15 artists from across the lower North Island. 42 tangata (wooden people) have been turned into artworks exploring the impact of around 42,000 people living within the NZ definition of homelessness (at the last Census.) The artwork will stand on the forecourt of the Wellington Cathedral of St Paul until Sunday 3 Sept.


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