Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Justice and only justice you shall pursue
(Deuteronomy 16:18-20)

“Every year Christians across the world gather in prayer for growth in unity. We do this in a world where corruption, greed and injustice bring about inequality and division. Our is a united prayer in a fracture world: this is powerful. However, as individual Christians and communities, we are often complicit with injustice, and yet we are called together to form a united witness for justice and to be a means of Christ’s healing grace for the brokenness of the world.” taken from pg. 9 of the resources booklet.

This years Week of Prayer for Christian Unity takes place from Ascension to Pentecost (May 30th -June 9th). This important global ecumenical event has been celebrated by Christians of many traditions since 1908.

The material provided below is offered with the understanding that, wherever possible, it will be adapted for use in local situations.

How might you participate?

  • observe a space of teaching and sharing in your weekly service

  • incorporate prayers from the service

  • base daily/weekly bible studies on the material provided

  • hold discussions, followed by intercessory prayer

  • privately use the material for focusing your prayer intentions

Credit: Annual brochure (pdf) jointly prepared and published by the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity and the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches.


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